Claim Toolkit helps you investigate, assess and negotiate claims using industry best practices and the most current regulatory information. Each product solves a difficult business problem with an easy to use web based application.
Claim Toolkit is a set of software tools and online training classes proven to dramatically improve Claim Rep skills and Team Performance. Used at Insurance Carriers, Third Party Administrators and Self Insureds. WE empower your team by requiring thorough investigations, accurate decisions, and confident negotiations.
Claim Toolkit integrates easily with your existing Claim Management system to provide your organization a seamless process from first notice of loss to claim closing.
Automated Industry Leading Legal Compliance Information
Sophisticated Calculation Wizards for Auto Liability and Total Loss Tax and Fees
Comprehensive, Flexible, Customizable Audit Software That Grows With Your Business
Integration to Your Systems for Seamless Processing
An Impressive and Immediate Return on Your Costs With a Demonstrated ROI of 8:1 or Greater
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